CourseLib is a library of components that support the creation of dynamic and powerful educational websites. The library is specifically designs to support the delivery of an academic course.
The Idea
The basic idea of CourseLib is the creation of content using PHP and a library of easy-to-use tools in both the base system and in installable modules. CourseLib is intended for content-rich course websites where authoring the content is most effectively done on a page-by-page basis using conventional tools like DreamWeaver rather than authoring into a database. Sites can still be dynamic and responsive.
Core components
- cl/site Site core components
- cl/users Support for users
- cl/console Site console components
- cl/course Core support for a course, including sections and membership
Optional components
- cl/cirsim The Cirsim Circuit Simulator
- cl/exam Styles to support creating exams
- cl/filesystem Ability to store files uploaded by students
- cl/git Support for team evaluation of GIT projects using gitlab
- cl/grades Grading support and gradebook
- cl/interact Interact! online help system
- cl/lti Learning Tools Interoperability support
- cl/moss Measure of Software Similarity (MOSS) support
- cl/quiz Embedded quizzes in Step assignments
- cl/review Peer review
- cl/scheduler Ability to schedule slots for teams for presentations or meetings
- cl/step Step assignments
- cl/survey Course member surveys
- cl/team Team management
- cl/trello Support to team evaluation of Trello projects
MSU-specific components
- cl/msu-sirs MSU SIRS and TA evaluation forms.